Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Week Back

I have been back in Chicago for a week now and really miss my home in Paris. I have so many good memories from the trip that I could fill a book! Now is the time that I start to filter through them and start the process of saving what I want to keep in physical forms. I went to TJ Maxx and found the most adorable boxes that say Paris all over it to keep all of my little trinkets from there. I now get to print out pictures and all my blog posts to keep in the box for my children to go through when I get older.

Being back has it's advantages though. I have missed my lovely friends and now get to talk to them whenever I want to and get a response in minutes! Yesterday I was able to recreate the yummy tzatziki sauce that I was able to get in Paris. I made so much and it was so easy! Once I get the recipe written I'll think about posting it on here, only if I get a comment saying that you want it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Happened to Goodbye

Hello all, I'll be posting on this more after I get back from Paris. I just want to inform you about my new book review on My Crazy Bookself. Check it out! Also check out my Paris blog. Nicole In Paris.