Thursday, March 31, 2011

Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

Rowing is one of the best things that happened to me, even though we are going on the ergs more than what we should be due to the lack of a cox. A cox is the in boat coach and steers the boat. We have had a cox, but she isn't working out every well. The last time we got out on the water we learned how to feather, which is when the oar is out of the water and parallel to it. I'll be looking forward to the fall because we recruited a cox, that knows what is going on, that will be LOVELY! I'm not liking how this one keeps running us into trees and walls. She is getting better day by day but the learning process is slow, if she would show up on time then there wouldn't be such a problem and I really wouldn't be upset and I would understand. 

Being on a team is hard, but no matter what I'll always be on a team, either working, rowing, or just being in a group of friends. Friendship is a team of people getting together to accomplish a goal, like going out to dinner or a vacation to Miami. People can't live without friends, even Sheldon has friends. Being part of a team is inviable but you can make it bearable by surrounding yourself with the right people in all scenarios. I am glad I've surrounded myself with incredible people that keep me motivated. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Starting to Update More

Since I am going to Paris in about 8 weeks, I decided to get back to my blogging so that everyone that reads this can see what is going on!

Here's a quick recap of what is going on in my life so far:

  • I am now on the advertising team for my school newspaper.
  • I wrote my first front page article for the April Issue.
  • I have a tumblr for my book reviews, but I will also post them here.
  • I have an awesome new camera that takes great pictures. 
  • Rowing has started back up and there is a possible race this spring,
Sorry my life isn't exciting, but this is my life and I am enjoying the crazy.