Friday, February 26, 2010

Week One...for the Third Time

What I've Been Doing

This was my first week of my third quarter in college. I have now another Culinary Skills class, Nutrition, Argumentative English, and Menu Development. I have my first Culinary chef instructor back and my management class teacher for my Menu Development class.  Finals went great. I made my first hollandaise all by myself for my final and it was the best one I've ever good! I went to see Shutter Island the weekend before my finals and OMG it was so good! I loved it. I thought it was one of Leo's best movies in the past ten years. I have been hanging out with my friend Amber pretty much everyday. We have ran/jogged twice this week...both times we went THREE MILES, to Navy Pier and back to Fornelli. I feel great that I did it and finished both times! I'm really excited for my dad, Kim, and some of his co-workers and their spouses to come in next weekend. I can't wait to see all of them. 

What I've Been Reading

I have only been reading my textbooks. My main book that I really like a lot is Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy for my nutrition class. I really am excited for all my favorite series to be continuing this spring and summer! I can't wait to read all the new details all the authors are writing about. Blue Bloods better be awesome! I love that series and how the author writes. 

What's In The Kitchen


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What I've Been Doing

Life in Chicago has been a blast in the last couple of weeks. I've been to Open Mic's, learned new card games, and started doing yoga. I've decided that I want to go for a quarter abroad in London next summer with my culinary partner,Aubrie,but am going to have to raise a lot of money.

I've made a lot of cool food this quarter and more good food on Thursday. We made lamb last yummy. I've been taking more liberty on how things are made and devating from the recipe, which is going well. Next week I get to pick a menu out of a hat and make it from memory, but atleast I'm going to get an ingredient list from my teacher. Next quarter's class is going to be all about chicken and fish...yum!

My English class has been awesome and I feel like I've learned so much in a little amount of time from Coach. She's great and hopefully I get her next quarter. We had a Vietnam Vet come in and speak to the class about his experience in the war on graves duty. He looked like a little mouse, he was tiny and highpitched.

My management class has been great. Mr. D is such a great teacher. He makes people pay attention in class unlike my College as Career teacher, which by the way I don't know her name. He told us that one day he will eat for free where ever we are all working because he's going to be keeping track of the culinary students and what we are all up to.

What I'm Reading

Just finished Suite Scarlett and Giving Up the V, I'm in the middle of Jamie's Food Revolution. Also ON culinary book for class.

Whats in the Kitchen